Saturday, January 28, 2012

The Rising Waters

I don't think we've hit the high water mark, yet, but the flood of political advertising has definitely increased. From my (intentionally) limited exposure I'd say almost one half of all television spots in prime time are now political with half of those being from the Romney camp, either directly ("I'm Mitt Romney and I approve . . .") or indirectly through his Super Pac. The majority of the rest are now from Gingrich with a smattering of others from Santorum. (Almost wrote "a smattering of Santorum." Eewww.)

None of them, as far as I can tell, speak to what the candidate intends to do if elected. They all appear to be along the lines of "Oh, yeah?", "Yeah!", "Oh, yeah?", "Yeah!", "Well, so's your mother!"

The problem is there is so little difference among the candidates, and so little difference between the two major parties, that they are all forced into ad hominem attacks and exaggerations of the small differences that do exist.

Tuesday can not get here soon enough.

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