Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Another Step Down

We're going to take Mom's space heater from her room. She hung a pair of purple polyester pants over the thing last night while it was going full blast and melted them like burnt cotton candy. Another twenty minutes and she could have burned the house down.

When I smelled the plastic fumes and entered her room at 3:30 A.M., she finally woke (where's the insomnia when it's needed?). I explained what she had done and she apologized, saying she had "forgot." I don't know if she meant she forgot she wasn't supposed to put things on the heater or if she just forgot to take these pants off the heater. I didn't ask. It doesn't matter.

The sad fact is, she just can't be trusted with something that dangerous in her room unsupervised.

Besides, this has been an exceptionally warm winter so far and she doesn't really need the space heater. We just have to convince her to sleep under her electric blanket and stop sleeping on it.

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