Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Melchior Bites the Dust

Or maybe Balthazar. One of the Magi. I can never tell them apart.

Mom had been promising to take down the creche for several days but never got around to it even though my brother had put out the box and tissue paper. The figures are fairly large, 5+ inches for a standing adult, 9 or more for a standing laden camel. Holy Family, Magi, shepherds, various domestic animals and a three piece manger (central structure with two wings). And an angel on a stick. To float above the whole scene.

They're ceramic, and nicely hand painted by Mom back when she had both sight and fine-motor control. So that makes it kind of an heirloom.

Anyway, my brother decided to take it down himself while I was out and when I returned everything was packed up except the one kneeling wise man who had taken a spill and broken his base. There are two or three large shards which will be easy to reassemble, but also a noticeable bit of dust which means he will have cracks and pin holes however carefully the repairs are done.

For now he lies on the counter surrounded by pieces of himself and a bottle of glue.

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