Thursday, August 12, 2010

Mom, Me and the Doc

So, after our trip to the emergency room on Saturday, we set up an appointment with Mom's doctor for Tuesday morning. I decided I would sit in on this one since I didn't think Mom would be able to explain everything that had happened. I was right. When he asked, "So, what's the problem?" she said "Oh, just the usual," to which I replied, "No, no, no," and explained the situation.

His diagnosis? Parkinson's-like symptoms (weakness, tremor, memory loss, etc.), possible bleeding in the brain. He says the new prescription should have had nothing to do with this. He's ordered a CAT scan, a visit from Home Health Services, and an appointment with a neurologist.

I think we may be making progress. If there is bleeding in the brain, I don't know how they'll stop it. Are there drugs for this? I can't see anyone ordering brain surgery on a 90-year-old woman. If we can stop it, is the damage reversible? All the fight is going out of Mom. She's becoming this very amenable, pliable, almost obsequious personality--which is not my Mom!

My Mom is feisty, argumentative, take-no-guff, opinionated--and I'd like her back, please.

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