Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Diagnosis

So. We went to the doctor a week ago Tuesday to get the results of the CAT scan. Mom was not having one of her better days. The good news: No bleeding in the brain. No stroke. The bad news: Alzheimer's. Officially. And fairly well advanced, too. So there's no going back, now. The doctor said best case, 2-3 years, worst case, one, before she is incapable of taking any care of herself.

He did give us a prescription to try, Excelon, which is a daily patch. She's been very happy to use it. It can not reverse the plaque damage but it can stabilize the situation for a while. Doc said it will take a week or so to see any changes but I think I see minor improvements in her reasoning and verbal abilities already.

Could also be wishful thinking. (A long-range placebo effect? Her medication makes me think she's getting better?)

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