Wednesday, August 11, 2010

It's a Big Building Full of Doctors...

...but that's not important, now.

What is important is that I took Mom to the ER Saturday. She didn't have the energy to get off the couch in the morning and kept saying, "I want to go to the hospital." So we called her doctor's office and got the on-call physician who said we could go now or wait until Monday but recommended we go now, so we did.

I do have to say that the admitting staff at Cape Coral Hospital Emergency Room are some of the nicest, friendliest, most helpful folk it has been my pleasure to run across in the medical profession. i talked to the screener who thought Mom was just the sweetest thing and offered to adopt her. True, we caught them at a slow point. Mom had to sign some paperwork and they were very understanding when she was too weak to finish her signature. They accepted her scrawl and let me finish the information part. After taking her history, we were told to return to the waiting room until an examination room was ready but before we could move a nurse came up and said, "I just saw the request pop up on my computer. Come this way. We have a room ready for you." It was a long ride on the seat of her walker. We should have taken a real wheelchair.

We were there for most of the afternoon. They ran a battery of tests on her, but mostly she just lay on the examining couch being bored even though staff popped in on a regular basis to see how she was doing. The tests all came back reasonably normal. They gave us a hard copy and we went home. In the parking lot on the way to the car Mom said, "Well whose idea was that, anyway?" I told her it was the doctor's idea. She would've vehemently denied it if I had said it was her own.

I made dinner and we made plans to call her doctor first thing Monday morning.

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