Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Fun With Pills, the Final Chapter

Mom and I have agreed for her to stop taking this latest prescription, the one that took her legs out from under her. She's supposed to be taking two pills a day, one in the morning and one in the evening, but she's been cheating and only taking one a day, either a.m. or p.m. Even so, they've been knocking her out. since she started on them I've noticed a definite physical weakening, loss of energy and diminished reasoning. It's scary watching her deteriorate like this.

Last night she took a pill and confessed it was the first time she'd taken the prescribed dosage, one in the morning and one at night. She could barely stand. It took several attempts with both hands and me helping to get her off the couch. I had to help her into the bathroom (she managed to get back out on her own, which surprised me since I had pushed her walker in there and didn't think she could reach the door with it in the way). She went directly to bed from there without watching the end of the ballgame and I had to help her with her pajamas. She told me to leave her door open until I went to bed. I told her we weren't going to take any more of those pills.

This morning, she got up on her own, and could carry on a coherent conversation. Her voice is much stronger and she seems to have more energy (this is obviously a relative concept). She is very relieved not to be taking this prescription any longer. I will be calling the doctor to explain the situation. We have an appointment next week.

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