Monday, August 2, 2010

Ice Cream, Mangoes & Mom

Mom's getting weaker. She hardly walks anywhere now without the walker. Today she changed her mind about going down to the end of the driveway to get the mail. She's also forgetting more words and having more trouble putting sentences together. (When she originally said she wanted to get the mail, I said "If you're up for it," and she was unable to parse that.)

She asked if she could have some of "my" ice cream (a "big favor") and I reminded her that it is "our" ice cream and she can have as much as she wants whenever she wants. She had tired herself out peeling and chopping mangoes. We're getting a nice crop this year and every morning, especially after a titanic thunderstorm like last night, there are a few more on the ground. I fixed her a dish of the chocolate chip cookie dough because she doesn't like plain chocolate.

This weakness and confusion has accelerated/become more noticeable since she started the new medication. I'm going to ask the doctor if that might be contributing. I really hate to see her deteriorating so quickly.

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