Thursday, May 2, 2013

It's Not Going to Get Any Easier

Well, that turned out to be just about as traumatic as we feared it would.

One of the kitten adopters came by this morning and took Dinarzade away.

She was a very nice woman my brother knows with a boyfriend and sweet young daughter who was turning herself inside out at the prospect of a kitten. They had expressed interest when the kids were born and came by this morning after calling my brother who got up early (for him) to play with them all one last time. He had them bouncing of the walls and furniture and each other for the better part of an hour before the adopters showed up.

The kittens were more curious than scared since they are used to Neighbor Dan and his girls coming over to play with them. Dinarzade proved to be the least shy of the bunch and even purred when the boyfriend held her to his chest and the little girl leaned in to listen. That clinched it.

Jasmine, obviously, had no idea what was happening until they took Dinarzade out the front door. She tried following but my brother blocked her way. After they were gone, she and the (remaining) kids all became very quiet for a while.

My brother went back to bed. Mittens and Scheherazade eventually went to sleep but Paribanour stuck, literally, by her mom's side as Jasmine investigated every possible hiding place for a kitten. When she finally gave up, Paribanour sympathy-nursed for a while. When I went out, Jasmine got up and tried to follow me out the door. We're all feeling pretty bummed out. Especially the humans, who know there are still two more to go.

It doesn't help our mood that it's dark and been raining continuously for the past two days.

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