Monday, May 20, 2013

Things That Delighted Me This Weekend

Seven or eight teensy little ants (two of them could easily fit on a sesame seed) found a rather large dead spider (comparatively speaking. The body was maybe a half inch across) and dragged the corpse by the legs up an outside wall. Six ants each grabbed the very tip of a leg and pulled while the others pushed on the thorax. It was slow going and a constant stream of fellow ants flowed in both directions up and down the wall just off to their side but they persisted.

A pair of electric Day-Glo pistachio green parrots attacked the bougainvillea by the front door and with no concern for either the cats or me less than twelve feet away worked with their beaks, sometimes upside down, to twist and break off the topmost dead branchlets for nest construction material.

I caught a faint scent of night-blooming jasmine last evening when I went out to feed Bartleby who has moved outdoors, where she cannot be bothered by kittens, while the weather is nice. I can think of nothing more exotic and civilized at the same time than a warm dark evening under stars and moonlight in a garden of jasmine.

It rained. I've been working on the front walkway, cleaning out growth between stones, edging, pulling weeds and turning soil and it rained briefly but heavily yesterday afternoon, a foretaste of Rainy Season which officially starts in a week or so. When it stopped, the living smell of freshly turned wet earth rose up and made the whole exercise worthwhile.

The first mango dropped from the tree. It was warm and sweet and a harbinger for summer. There are more than a hundred ripening on it right now.

It was a good weekend.

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