Monday, May 6, 2013

The Hunger

She'll behave for several days until we start to believe maybe she's over this "phase" and then, without warning, the Hunger strikes, the insatiable cravings begin again, the unstoppable driving desire that can only be quenched by consuming . . . grains!

Seriously. What cat craves baked goods? What cat is so consumed by a desire to carbo load that she tears into a box of Raisin Bran? Or a loaf of five-grain whole wheat bread? Or cheese danish?

Such are the things Jasmine has gotten into (or has tried to) just over the last three days. She didn't succeed with the danishes because they were encased in a hard plastic shell but the multiple fang punctures mean they're now stored in the cabinet and not left on the counter. My brother has also bought a breadbox and I've put the cereal in what I hope are Jasmine-proof containers.

Admittedly, she is skinny, hip bones and shoulder bones prominent but not ribs. She's been tested for worms  and is clean. Her fur is short but sleek (and starting to fill in nicely from her wounding a few weeks back). She is fed several times a day and often leaves substantial portions for later. (We put down two plates and sometimes she'll eat from one while the kids share the other but just as often Jasmine will switch to whichever plate was put down last or whichever one the kittens are enjoying.) If she wasn't so thin I'd blame it entirely on neurosis from being feral for however long she was outside except I know for a fact Neighbor Dan and his girls were feeding her at least as much as we were before she came in from the wild.

And what's with the carbs? We're not vegetarians (although my brother is much more carnivorous than I) and there is always plenty of bacon, sausage, chicken, fish, pork roast or ham to beg for. Which she doesn't. and she's totally uninterested in all the fruit and veggies we keep on the counter.

She just seems to have one hell of a metabolism. Which I sincerely hope slows down soon thanks to her recent operation. I'd really like to bake some shortbread soon for all the strawberries, or maybe some cookies.

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