Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Bogarting the Mouse

My brother brought home Little Gray Mama from the vet all "fixed" and dopey from the anesthesia and announced that she is now "Jasmine." At first, I thought maybe the vet had uncovered a hidden ID or assigned a new name with every neutering but my brother said, no, he just liked Jasmine, so Jasmine it is. Being that she's basically a Russian Blue (except for the tuxedo and golden eyes) and definitely not Persian I would have thought something Slavic rather than Southwest Asian might be more appropriate.

In retaliation, and in keeping with the theme, I have named the kittens Scheherazade, Dinarzade*, Paribanour** and Mittens***. Not that it makes a difference: 1) they're cats, they have their own names and will not answer to the ones we give them, and 2) in a week or so they'll all (with the possible exception of Mittens) be gone.

The kids noticed mama was missing and were acting a little weird most of the day but things got back to normal pretty quickly when she returned even though she didn't have the energy or desire to interact with them. Just having her around improved their attitudes and they played together for a while creating a pulsating, wiggly gray rolling fluffball that went up one side of the couch and down the other, across my feet and around the living room until it disintegrated into a freestyle tag team wrestling match.

Dinarzade found one of the tiny catnip mice and the more she played with it the more pronounced its effect on her became. She started off repeatedly rearing on her hind legs and pouncing on it with all her strength and ended up with it clamped firmly in her teeth and growling a cute tiny kitty growl if any of the others came within a foot of her. Actually, she growled even when no one was near her. Her growls are what attracted the others but she became very defensive and had no intention to share. The longer her little trip lasted, the more paranoid she became. Fortunately, exhaustion kicked in before she totally flipped out.

And the other kids turned out to have no interest in the mouse anyway.

* Scheherazade's kid sister and accomplice and the one she was really telling the stories to although with the understanding the Sultan was eavesdropping.
** Princess of the realm of fairies in one of the stories.
*** Because she's a gray cat with four white paws. What the hell else can I name her?

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