Monday, June 10, 2013


Looks like Paribanour is here to stay.

A few weeks ago, when I pointed out to my brother Paribanour's chipmunk striping, he countered with, "We can't keep four cats!" To which I had no compelling argument since he's the one buying the kibble and litter.

Since then Paribanour's striping has developed even more. In addition to the chipmunk stripes from shoulder to tail, she has now developed a subtle cross bar just below the shoulders and a pair of dots, not dissimilar to the false eyes found on butterflies and moths, in the lower angles made by the intersecting stripes. And while the stripey bits darken the rest of her fur is getting lighter, almost ash gray.

My brother revealed over the weekend a number of people had asked about the availability of any more kittens and he had told them, "After X (totally arbitrary) amount of time, too much bonding had taken place and it is no longer possible to break up the group," which is his way of justifying his attachment to the increasingly exotic Paribanour. As to hosting four cats, apparently Bartleby suddenly doesn't count anymore since she has decided to live outside (where she'll sit and watch from three feet away while a crow or blue jay steals her food. She's well-named).

On a side note, it seems Scheherazade is coping well with her new family. The one with the little girl, another cat and dog. She's eating and playing normally, gets along with the cat and, best of all, sleeps with the dog. Which is nice to know.

But I'm still happy Paribanour is staying.

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