Thursday, May 23, 2013

Blood and Tears

Had a very good platelet donation today, despite the intake nurse mistakenly setting me up for a whole blood draw. We got that straightened out fast. I was in and out in less than an hour, including paperwork and vitals. This is the first time in three months everything has gone right on the first try.

The last two times we had bad draws on the first attempts (the nurse accepted responsibility, but who knows) so last time, on the second try the following week, we went for the left arm instead of the usual right. That worked so well we went for the left arm first off this time, too, and it worked again. Maybe the right side veins are just played out. (Yes, I know it doesn't work that way.)

Also, these last two times the phlebotomist who usually takes my vitals has been away and both times my blood pressure was normal. The last few times he's taken it, it has been 15 or so points higher than usual and borderline hypertensive which was starting to be worrisome but now I am convinced it's something he's doing and not me. He stopped in from his own appointment at the VA toward the end of my session and and, after talking it over, we jokingly agreed that he's just stressing me out. I suspect it comes from him constantly hounding me for a photo they can attach to my five gallon certificate up on the wall with all the rest of the donors but since I've been consistent about the inevitability of that not happening he's given up and stuck a generic shot of some middle-aged guy in a suit up there and, although he thinks that will shame me into complying, I am perfectly happy with the result, so there.

So I took my cookies and T-shirt and went home only to find out one of the kittens is going away today.

My brother was grooming Scheherazade and Paribanour when I walked in. One or the other of them is going to a home with a little girl, another cat and a dog. Scheherazade is all gray with subtle tiger stripes and loves to pounce from around the corner, rearing up on her hind legs before launching herself at her target, a useless but totally adorable strategy since the time it involves to complete the move means any prey other than my brother's and my legs has ample time to run away. Paribanour, also otherwise all gray, has a striking and sophisticated tapering black chipmunk stripe from just below her shoulders to her tail. She's the toe-licker.

I helped my brother stuff them both in the canvas cat carryall the vet gave him when he brought Jasmine in for the first time. He's taking them to the adoptive family to let them choose. No matter which one comes home again, this will be a sad house tonight.

UPDATE: Paribanour came back. Scheherazade is gone. So, less pouncing but toe licking continues. For now.

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