Saturday, June 1, 2013


Hurricane Season officially began today.

We've been pretty cavalier the last few years in our preparations to the point where I'm not sure exactly how old the water jugs in the pantry are although I am of the opinion they're probably past even my relaxed concept of expiration dates. And we've been letting the stockpile of pasta and canned goods slowly decline as well.

Something about this year feels different in an undefined, and probably undefinable, way. It's just a feeling both my brother and I have that we've been lucky the past few years and should not become dependent on that luck.

So . . ..

My brother has put out several large sheets of plywood we can use to board up windows, if necessary. They're stacked up by the corner of the lanai, which is where they'll most be needed but also because city code enforcement objected to keeping them on a side of the house visible from the street. (Priorities, people!)

We'll make sure the propane tank is filled. We'll refill the jugs with fresh water. We'll continue our normal food purchase routine but every time we buy a non-perishable item we'll pick up one extra for the reserve. New batteries are probably a good idea, too, although we have hand-cranked radios and lights.

Of course, the more prepped up we become the less likely we are to get a real storm which is fine because a few extra boxes of pasta and cans of tuna are a whole lot cheaper than a new roof.

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