Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Wild Life

The mockingbird couple that built their nest in the backyard have been going berserk all day. Despite having cleverly positioned their home in such a way as to be pretty much blocked from sight by adjacent branches, we can see movement in the nest even when both birds are out.

The baby mockingbirds have hatched!

Apparently, mom and dad are zooming out and about and back and forth all around the home bush frantically trying to find food for the little ones. We can't tell how many there are, yet, but at this rate the parents are going to be exhausted by the end of the week.

On a completely, irrelevant note, I got into a big fight with the stupid opossum last night when it visited the cat again. I let the Bartleby into the house while I yelled at the 'possum and then threatened it with a nice big walking stick. That had no effect so I had to actually use the stick and started poking and prodding the invader. It hissed and growl at me and backed itself into a corner so I bopped it a few times in the direction I wanted it to go. Of all times for Bartleby to become curious about anything. She came back out into the lanai to see what was going on. I had to use one foot to keep her away while prodding the stupid marsupial out the door. At least now, maybe, the 'possum will take the hint.

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