Saturday, May 26, 2012

New Directions, Assessed

Well, that was interesting.

There were 12 people RSVPed for the meeting Thursday night including me, six showed up (including me but not counting the presenter's young son, who is also a member of the group but slept through most of it). It was a two and a half hour trip and I arrived late thanks to a blinding downpour in St. Pete that brought highway traffic to a near standstill.

The main presentation, which was the theme for the evening, was very. . .ad hoc. . .but I did get the chance to meet the folks who were there and introduce myself and, although there was no time to go into any detail about my game idea, they all expressed the generalized interest in working on some game at some point. I think my best approach may be to create my own presentation and offer to do a meeting but first I'd like to see how many people actually show up to this thing on a regular basis.

At least I was treated to a spectacular lightning show over Tampa Bay and southward on my way back. Enormous arcs crisscrossed the sky both through the clouds and along their undersides with occasional ground strikes for the first half of my trip home.

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