Saturday, May 19, 2012

New Things

I saw something new today. Two of these birds were in the grass in front of the town library.

Glossy Ibis

I thought, "Huh, black ibis," but a little research showed black ibis are native to India (and have a little red splotch on the tops of their heads) so apparently these are glossy ibis which are found in this area.
Red-Headed Woodpecker

And yesterday we were visited by a red-headed woodpecker that found good eats in the palm tree out back. Palms being very soft, there was none of the rat-a-tat-tat typically associated with woodpeckers just a happy full bird. It eventually moved up the tree and picked bugs out of the crevices where the leaves sprout from the bole.

Eurasian Collared Dove

Also, thanks to the bird bath, we have a chance to study the various doves up close and it appears we have at least two, and maybe three, different species hanging about. I've definitely seen the Eurasian Collared Dove and the Mourning Dove. I think we also have the White Wing Dove. It's hard to tell because it gets crowded out there and we have to keep replenishing the water because the crows just love to splash everything.

Mourning Dove

White Wing Dove

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