Wednesday, February 15, 2012

It Just Doesn't Get Any Better

This has been pretty much the perfect day, so far.

Mom went to bed late (for her) and woke up early (for her) but most importantly slept through the night. She was bright and alert when she arose.

Mom received a phone call from an old friend this morning. The two of them had a nice chat. The conversation did take twice as long as it would have under normal circumstances but since it involved two semi-deaf old ladies half of it consisted of "What did you say/do?" and "No, I said. . .". Still, Mom didn't sound a day over eighty. And when she hung up she recounted some of it to me. (Seems her friend, who is near Mom's age but still has most of her faculties, has finally had to give up driving and isn't yet used to having family chauffeur her around.)

The only weird part of the day was the excessive praise for her "wonderful, amazing" breakfast just because I put fresh strawberries on her chocolate Cheerios.

Otherwise, it's warm and sunny, the doors and windows are open, my brother picked a newly-blossomed rose (that actually smells like a rose, unlike the store-bought kind) and put it on Mom's table where she is sitting with a cup of coffee and a fresh bunch of grapes reading her book.

If only we could just freeze things as they are right now.

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