Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Arriving Unannounced

It looks like Rainy Season may have snuck up on us. None of the official weather people have mentioned it yet, but two days ago the sky suddenly clouded up, thick, bulging, heavy, dark and fast and, right at noon, the downpour began. It settled into a mild drizzle for most of the afternoon and then opened up again for a short period around dinner time.

The poor cat knew what was coming and was frantically begging to come inside just before the storm hit but my brother had set up a shelter for her just off the driveway. (No indoors for kitty until the vet checks her out--which visit has not yet been scheduled.)

Today's Weather Channel local outlook forecasts rain or showers every day but two for the next week, and those two days are to be at best "party cloudy." All the windows remain open until we figure out which direction the rain is coming from since the temperatures are staying in the low to mid 80s all week as well.

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