Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Mom decided to clean out the fridge and make dinner from leftovers. She tore up a couple of slices of bread and mixed it with ground beef to make a kind of meatloaf, except the bread chunks were huge and only stuck to themselves so they ended up the center of a bread ball with a meat shell. She then combined that with some pre-made patties and ended up mounding the "meatloaf" on the patties to make a kind of flat-bottomed dome-shaped meatball.

When these were black (she's recently gotten into the habit of putting things on the stove to cook and then walking away. The house smelled of burnt pizza crust for three days) she covered them in a sauce made entirely of concentrated tomato soup. Seeing as her sense of smell is pretty much gone (she hasn't noticed any of the burning odors) her sense of taste is going too, and since it looked like pasta sauce, she was satisfied.

She made enough for two.

The bottom pre-made patty turned out to be sausage, not beef.

Needed garlic. Otherwise, with plenty of baked beans and applesauce, it wasn't too bad. Not going to add it to my repertoire, though.

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