Monday, July 19, 2010

Fun With Pills

My brother came home a couple of evenings ago to find Mom on her knees in front of (and facing) the couch unable to raise herself. He helped her up and got her settled in her usual spot, had a quick bite to eat and then headed out to work. He met me in the driveway just coming home and was obviously still freaked out by the incident.

I had taken Mom to the doctor on Friday. (Same packed overnight bag because "I won't be home for dinner tonight. He'll send me to the hospital for a procedure" which, of course, never happened because all he did was write out a new prescription. I'm learning to just let the drama ride.)

She had double dosed the new prescription. They're small pills and/or she misread the instructions so she took two at once instead of two per day (one every twelve hours). Shortly after that she lost all feeling in her legs and went down for the count. She was probably on the floor for about fifteen minutes before Bob came home.

When I talked to her about it, she at first admitted taking two pills but after "thinking it over" (and not liking to be caught doing something dumb) reconsidered and was "sure" she had only taken one and needed to call the doctor to tell him the prescription wasn't going to work. Since it was the weekend, that would have to wait until Monday. I fixed dinner for both of us and we watched the baseball game. Over the course of the evening, the feeling slowly came back to her legs and she was able eventually to get to the bathroom and bed on her own (with the walker).

Later that evening, I counted the remaining pills. There were 180 in the prescription (a three month supply!). There were 178 in the bottle.

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