Thursday, July 8, 2010

Failing Senses and Sharp Objects

Yesterday, Mom decided to cut up all the mangoes that have fallen over the last few days. With the daily thunderstorms and wind there have been a number of them and we've just been putting them in the refridgerator, so it was a good idea. Unfortunately, her eyesight is going so she peeled, mashed and pulped a peach along with the mangoes. With a very sharp knife.

Her eyes aren't the only things that are going. She's already lost most of her hearing and her sense of smell is pretty well shot (which means taste is dwindling, too). she can't hear the microwave dinging to let her know her coffee is ready. She can't smell the oil (or anything else) burning in the pan she put on the stove and then walked away from. I make it a point, when I fix dinner, to create a colorful presentation with tomatoes, carrots, various colored peppers, etc. and interesting shapes and sizes. I can't tell if she really tastes all the good stuff but she comments on how pretty the dishes look. That works at close range with big contrasts, anyway. I was surprised when we watched Fourth of July fireworks on TV and she remarked what a shame it was that they were broadcast in black and white!

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