Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Holiday Observed

Thanksgiving is not a one-day event in this family. We crescendo. We float along on a rising tide of edible treats until The Day and then slowly drift back down to normality. Except for the actual Thanksgiving Day feast, there are no formal meals or set times. We've been at it for almost a week already.

I write this with a dish of pistachios, dried figs and dates by my side. Later, when the brie is warm enough, I will spread it on crackers, cut open the pomegranate, and use the pips as a garnish. There are cashews and other nuts and pears and crusty bread with butter or feta still awaiting our attention.

The turkey is here. Despite the fact there are only two of us this year we did not get merely a turkey breast since both of us like dark meat, neither did we get just drumsticks because where's the holiday in parts? So we have a thirteen pound bird because there is nothing smaller and steeled ourselves to the next month (at least) of turkey plates, sandwiches, soups and salads.

Although we tend to be frugal throughout the year (between the two of us we seldom spend more than $150 a month on groceries and, although my brother drives for a living, I can generally keep my gasoline purchases under $50) we do enjoy the holidays. So, for the record, yes, we are extremely thankful that we are able to enjoy this and recognize not everyone can. We have been given much.

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