Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Seasonal Stuff

Eleven catalogs came today, including three from various orchards offering holiday fruit and candy compilations, two geeky gift shops (I'll need to go through them more thoroughly later), a bunch of holiday home decor offerings, The Victorian Trading Company, and, best of all, The Noble Collection, containing props and memorabilia from fantasy films including, among other treasures: Harry's, Hermione's, Dumbledore's and Voldemort's wands; a time turner; a working cryptex from The DaVinci Code; Batman, Superman and Green Lantern tchotchkes; and from The Hobbit/Lord of the Rings, Gandalf's staff, full-size Sting and various incarnations of the One Ring, with and without Elvish inscription.

My list is complete.

On a completely different note: A coconut fell last week. Yay!! We peeled off the husk and split the shell. I've frozen the milk and it's now sitting on the kitchen counter drying out before we shred the meat. Macaroons here we come!

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