Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Totally Sincere and Unironic

We've finally started putting up the Christmas decorations. We're not the only ones who are late this year. Neighbor Dan, with whom we also compete on the Hallowe'en decoration front, has not put up anything outside yet at all. So far we're working on the inside stuff.

The Coca Cola Santa is on top of the bookcase. The circus train that plays eight fuzzy, tinny electronic bars only of a dozen different carols and hymns is on the divider by the front door. (No one has turned it on yet, thankfully.) The full creche is set up on the counter where the kitchen meets the living room and there are some Christmas candles on the coffee table. Oh, and two ceramic snow people by the front door.

So far that's it. There are boxes everywhere my brother retrieved from the storage unit so that will change over the next few days.

My brother put up the (artificial) tree last night. He strings the lights as he attaches the branches from bottom to top which allows him to easily place lights in the interior and looks really nice when complete but Mom kept asking what was wrong with the tree right up until he topped it off with the drunken Santa at which point her praise became so effusive as to drive us both nuts.

"Who would have thought that was possible? It's amazing! There's nothing else like it anywhere! You should take a picture and send it to Believe It or Not! It's a miracle!" Fortunately, Mom is no longer capable of either sarcasm or irony (I think) so my brother merely took a deep breath, and a drink, and got out the vacuum cleaner to pick up all the needles.

That's right. Our artificial tree sheds. It's very realistic.

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