Friday, December 30, 2011

Glimpses Into the Future

Mom has become aware of Facebook.

With her Alzheimer's induced OCD tendencies, she reads advertisements in the newspaper down to the finest of fine print. She reads every word. She doesn't necessarily understand what she reads, but she reads it. Every. Word.

So, lately, she's noticed references to "Follow Us On Facebook" on everything from hype by the local mega-deal car sales lot to coupons for dish detergent, to the local pool cleaner. She doesn't get detail from TV ads (images go by too fast for her) so I'm not sure if she's noticed any references there, yet. And I doubt she'd recognize the  logo.

I've explained the general concept to her, and the fact that it's huge, and that I and my Other Brother and his two eldest kids and his ex- plus a whole bunch of other people she used to know (although not of her generation) are on it, and she sort-of gets it.

She gets it enough to wonder how it makes any money if they don't charge for using it. So that's something.

So far, at least, she hasn't noticed the Twitter logos. I'd hate trying to explain the concept behind that.

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