Thursday, February 24, 2011

More Irrational Exuberance (and Some Reality)

As I was out walking this morning I noticed two new Century 21 For Sale signs up in the neighborhood. The new house under construction has the cinder block walls up (including the faux buttresses on the front), the interior framing is in, and the crew was starting to lay tarp on the plywood sub roofing. So much for the exuberance.

The irrational part is all this is happening while yet another house (just around the corner) has been abandoned. All the furniture is out and the lawn is growing rank. Not one of the other abandoned places has been taken up nor have any of the other For Sale signs produced results.

On the bright side, I passed a great blue heron on my walk this morning standing by the side of the canal. More than a dozen ibis were grubbing in the back yard when I got back. And two eagles swooped (very) low over the house yesterday.

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