Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Paris 1951: The First Step

I found an e-mail address for Le Bistrot (it says "Bistro" on the awning out front but, apparently, the name is really "Bistrot") the cafe that currently lives in the space formerly occupied by Au Port d'Attache. In addition to some nice pictures, their web page lists several menus of traditional French cafe fare and if/when I can get to Paris they definitely seem worth checking out.

In the meantime, I sent an e-mail explaining the business card which came into my possession and asking if they knew anything at all about the history of their location. To date, I have heard nothing back. So, they either know nothing but are intrigued by my message and are researching whatever they can and will get back to  me soon--or--they know something but are too busy during the holiday season right now and will get back to me when they can--or--they know something but are unable or unwilling to reveal what it is--or--they can't be bothered to respond to some stranger out of the blue with a sixty+ year old slip of paper that has nothing to do with their business. While the last possibility is the most likely, the third makes for a better story so that's the one I'll go with if they never get back to me.

After the first of the year, I will contact the real estate office that now occupies the former location of Morgan of Oregon. At the very least, they should know how to go about obtaining historical property records if they don't know the history themselves.

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