Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Civic Calories

I voted yesterday in our city's non-partisan open primary for mayor and one council seat. It was a pathetic turnout, only 8%--seriously 8%--bothered to turn out. I think more than that write in to the newspaper every week to complain about the mayor and city council; they just won't get off their lazy butts to actually do anything about it.

One of the advantages, as I see it, to participating in a low-turnout election is that, proportionately, my vote carries more weight than it does in the general election (when people do show up to vote on the candidates already selected for them in the primary). Even so, my candidate for mayor came in second behind the incumbent although my choice for council member did win (the right to run in November).

The other advantage to a low-turnout election is that, since the polling place is usually stocked with edible goodies as a little reward to voters, the poll watchers still had mounded plates full of cookies, doughnuts and brownies when I came in a half hour before closing time. They insisted I take large quantities with me when I left. I obliged.

Free snacks are always a good thing as they go but the cookies at the hospital blood center are objectively better. And since I am scheduled for a platelet donation tomorrow . . ..

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