Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Well, both eagle eggs have hatched and the chicks seem to be doing fine. The parents have brought in a load of fish for the entire family (and all the flies in the neighborhood). People are coming around to visit, too, (you can see them in the background of the web cam) but they're generally pretty good about respecting the eagles' "personal space."

 Meanwhile the privateer Lynx has arrived in town (actually across the river) and is open to visitors. The original Lynx was a raked schooner used as a blockade runner during the War of 1812 and was captured and renamed by the British. The current Lynx, the owners are careful to point out, is not officially a replica, despite an amazing attention to detail in the reconstruction, since they have added some modern amenities . . . including an engine.

Meanwhile, on the domestic front, the Christmas tree is half down, the former koi pond is completely filled in although not landscaped and my brother has given a first coat of paint to the wood he bought to repair the lanai room.

And Bartleby has had a relapse on her perching binge from last year. We're continually chasing her off various tables: coffee, TV, dining and "memorial" (an antique oval marble-top that holds a bunch of family portraits and gives a nice cat-view out the front window), which is kind of hypocritical since we encourage her to snuggle in our laps in the easy chair or couch. It's a distinction her little kitty brain just can't process.

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