Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Nature, High and Low

Well, Mother Nature betrayed us again this past weekend.

The cat and I went out several times over three nights trying to spot meteors (O.K., I confess I have no idea what the cat was looking for but she insisted on joining me). The sky was just overcast enough to block anything interesting. Not complete cloud cover, we could see some stars, but enough to cause backscatter from the city lights across the river, graying out the darkness.

On the bright side, I just found out that our (relatively) local alligator farm over near Lake Okeechobee is in the middle of their hatching season and for $10 will allow you to hold a hatching egg and even help the little critter emerge.

Have to admire the single-minded determination
involved in biting the hand that helps to birth you.
(And, yes, that's a missing finger in the top photo!)

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