Saturday, July 7, 2012

DIY Follies, Automotive Division

I am not mechanically inclined. I know this and readily admit it. While I am fascinated by systems and the workings of mechanical objects and often understand (and can, in cases, even teach others) the theory behind things that work, I know better than to try making them work myself, if they choose not to. This applies especially to automobiles.

Despite 20+ years of listening to "Car Talk," to the point where I often call out the diagnosis before the hosts do, and despite "helping" (meaning "supervising," meaning "watching") a friend do a driveway brake job, I will not attempt my own repairs. That said, there are two things I can do: change a tire and change the oil.

So this morning, having purchased oil and filters, gathered paper towels and tracked down the funnel, I made ready to do manly car stuff. I pulled on the little handle to release the hood latch and heard the thump as it released.

Or, heard a thump of some kind. The hood was still sealed shut.

I pulled again. Nothing happened. Finally, on the third try I got a result. The latch handle broke free from the cable.

I managed to get the latch reattached to the hinge (but not the cable) and drove up to the mechanic my brother uses on a regular basis. I had been there only once before, myself, when I first moved down here and wanted the car gone over after it's 2000 mile trip, but I was in their computer so all was good and, within half an hour, the cable was reattached and the oil changed all for less than $30. They used their own oil and filters, so now I have a stash set aside against any future lubricant-based emergency.

At least I can still change a tire.

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