Friday, September 16, 2011

The Wheel Turns

Rainy Season is almost over. It hasn't rained significantly here in four or five days and the humidity is dropping to bearable levels. The temperature is also falling slightly. The sun is setting quite a bit further south than before necessitating a change in which curtains I draw to keep it from blinding us during dinner. All of which can mean only one thing:

Catalog Season is here!

They trickle in all year, of course, one or two per quarter. But the pace is quickening now. From two or three a month to two or three a week now, soon to be a daily deluge. From Hammacher Schlemmer, Signals (the NPR catalog), and National Geographic, at the high end through Stauer, Herrington and Vermont Country Store down to Blair House and a slew of T-shirt and "collectibles" catalogs (some of which have some pretty cool stuff in a totally ironic hipster kind of way) they're already taking up half the mailbox almost every day. Clothes, puzzles, jewelry, books, swords, replica firearms, scientific experiments for adults and children, Irish food, electronic gadgets for home and office, Victoriana, health and beauty aids, coins, watches, furniture (indoor and out, modern and antique, replica and original), gargoyles and statuary, Hallowe'en, Thanksgiving and Christmas tchotchkes . . . it's all here in full color lovingly described.

And if Catalog Season is here, can the Season of Excess be far behind?

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