Saturday, September 3, 2011

And . . . We're Back! (Temporarily)

Just like that Mom's awareness has snapped back into something much closer to normal. I'm beginning to think the insomnia is a major factor in her recent fogginess. I present negative evidence:

The last couple of nights she has been staying up later than usual which means going to bed really tired, which means really falling asleep and staying there. She's only gotten up once or twice to go to the bathroom and has gone back to bed instead of staying up. As a result, she's been rising much earlier (between 7 and 8 a.m.). She's napping somewhat less and is much more alert when awake. She's been reading her book again (although not in any consistent order). Her sense of humor is back. (When I gave her her morning eye drops accurately she said, "Right on the nose!" I said, "No. Right in the eye! I'm trying to avoid your nose!" She laughed.)

Unfortunately, I don't believe this will last.

We see the doctor later this month. I'll ask if there is anything we can do for her sleep issues but this is apparently one of the symptoms of Alzheimer's so I'm not very optimistic.

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