Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Remembrance of Things Past, or, Mom's Overstuffed Sugar-Crystal-Topped Cinnamon Madeleine

My brother brings home pastries ocassionally, doughnuts or muffins, that sort of thing. A couple of weeks ago he brought home two over-large muffins, ate one, and left the other for Mom and me to share in the morning. Except Mom got up early and ate the whole thing. Not her fault. She didn't know--until he asked me how I enjoyed the muffin.

Last night he brought home a box with three muffins and two doughnuts. I set one muffin out for Mom along with her coffee cup. (She likes to make her own breakfast which usually consists of pouring and nuking the coffee and toasting a piece of bread which she may, or may not, eat plain. I then usually fix her a bowl of chocolate Cheerios, except on french toast Sunday)

Sure enough, she was up before I got back from my walk. She had very carefully cut the muffin in half and left it on the counter. When I asked her why she said, "I feel bad about eating the whole thing last time so that's your share." I explained we had plenty this time, showed her the box full and gave her the half to finish.

The muffins aren't the point of the story. The point is: she remembered the incident for two full weeks.

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