Monday, January 3, 2011

The New Year

So, we survived the Holidays reasonably well. The lawn ornaments are down, and the tree is coming down today. We didn't have as many blow-up penguins and snowmen as last year and, it seems to me, they weren't up as long. The weird tree ornaments didn't freak me out quite as much, either.

I made three batches of cookies between Thanksgiving and Christmas: one each of chocolate chip, sugar, and oatmeal raisin. They're all gone, too, though the effects of all those calories will be with us for a while. Made homemade split pea soup from scratch yesterday and Mom, ever the New Englander, pronounced it the best way to start the New Year and had seconds. (Personally, I think the french toast for New Year's Day breakfast was the best way to start, but that's just me.)

Mom is holding up quite well both intellectually and physically. She's got a sore on her gum under her dentures which is limiting her to soft food (french toast qualifies) and we'll see the doctor Thursday for that. We got a new microwave for Christmas and it didn't take her that long to re-learn to re-heat her coffee in there instead of on the stove top. Half the time she makes her own breakfast and snacks and she is diligent about straightening up her room and making her bed (even if it takes her an hour and she doesn't remember to do it until two hours before bed time).

The weather has warmed back up, too. 65 for my morning walk and close to 80 for a high despite the cloud cover. We're leaving the doors open during the day again.

All in all, we're off to a good start.

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