Thursday, January 27, 2011

Reading Habits

Mom has started reading again. I attribute this almost entirely to her Exelon patch.

Before, she would read and re-read and re-read the same magazine article or catalog page. It looked like OCD but it was really just her inability to absorb anything she read. At one point she asked for a book and I got a large-print mystery from the library for her but she quit it half way through saying she'd read it already and that it was all familiar. It was a new release so I know she hadn't seen it before. She's done the same thing with sports on TV, claiming to have seen the game before and either "knowing" how it comes out or wondering why "they" changed things this time.

But, lately, things seem to have changed. She is now on her third book in six weeks (another mystery) and is not only completing them but enjoying them as well. She's using a bookmark to keep place and I do not see her starting over, going back, repeating pages or otherwise betraying any indication she is not getting the full experience.

She also seems to be forgetting fewer words and she even remembers what day it is--sometimes (usually on weekends ever since I instituted French toast Sunday breakfasts).*

*It's a question the docs always ask and it's not really fair IMHO since all her days are pretty much the same and tend to run together.

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