Monday, November 1, 2010

Hallowe'en Treats

Our yard and Neighbor Dan's yard were all done up and lit for the event. Cars have been slowing and stopping all week long to take pictures of the displays, especially my brother's cat.

Normally, kids come up the driveway to the walk and thence to the front door. Mom sits on the couch and doesn't really get to see the costumes. This year was a little different.

Rather than usual, we put up a table at the head of the driveway. Mom came out and sat behind the table where she could see every little ghostie and ghoulie (and Batman and ninja and pirate and three-foot-tall twin Supermen). The sky was cloudless and the air dry. The sun disappeared turning the palms into finely serrated, sharp cretaceous silhouettes against a pink background fading to steel gray-blue.

My brother's girlfriend came over to help. Neighbor Dan had friends over and put on a barbecue in his driveway to which he invited us. The pillaging started slowly and we gave away too much too soon on the assumption we would all be in diabetic comas from the leftovers, otherwise. Two great waves of looters hit the neighborhood after dark (I wouldn't be surprised if they came in buses and campers) and we ran out of goodies by 8:15. The last of the mini Huns and Visigoths finally departed around 9. All told, I think we treated 80+ kids of various ages and species.

Mom sat through most of it and enjoyed herself immensely.

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