Monday, June 7, 2010

Mom = 90

Today Mom is officially 90 years old. She has now lived longer than any other member of the family (so far). All in all, she's doing pretty well. I have noticed an increased deafness, and increased frailty. She will use her walker in the house now where before it was reserved for trips to the mailbox or excursions to one of her various doctors. She has more trouble keeping track of the details of our baseball games and yet will insist up and down that she is right even while admitting the whole rest of the world isn't wrong. She wins most of those arguments because she is 90 after all and, hey--why not?

My younger nephew, Dan, is here for the (extended) weekend before going back to Ft. Bliss and shipping out to Iraq. My brother and his girlfriend have planned the dinner--barbecue ribs and cake. I presume there will be other items on the menu. She's received congratulatory phone calls and presents from relatives and friends who can't be here and admitted to her kid sister (87) that it was astonishing to be 90.

I agree. Astonishing and wonderful.

Happy Birthday, Mom!!

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