Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters!

The workers on the new house going up across the way finished blocking up the outside walls last Friday, the same day a load of prefabricated wood a-frame roof trusses arrived. Exactly the right number and exactly the right sizes to mock up the garage, the main body of the house and the gable on the opposite side from the garage. They're obviously working from a standardized, factory approved plan.

Yesterday morning the crew, or perhaps a new one made up of carpenters instead of masons, showed up to begin installation and this morning they were done which was a good thing because the rain came down in sheets around noon. They all left for the day.

It's supposed to rain again tomorrow so they probably won't be back to cover the framing with an actual roof until probably Friday when everything should have dried out.

But, at least, it is starting to look a bit like a house.

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