Thursday, August 14, 2014

Consequences and Repercussions II: Anemic Boogaloo

Failed my iron count for the platelet donation . . . again. They tested me as soon as I walked in instead of setting up the machine (which would mean throwing away all the tubing and bags and stuff if I failed) or letting me fill out all the paperwork.

Missed it be that much.

I'm not sure what the scale is, parts per million, per cent of hemoglobin, whatever, but I missed it. Came in at 11.8. 12.5 is the minimum required and I usually rate up in the 13s somewhere. I don't know why it's taking so long to recover from the whole blood donation. It's now been eight weeks.

We rescheduled for two weeks from now, and the phlebotomist gave me a list of iron-rich foods (which doesn't look any different from what I eat regularly anyway) and recommended taking an iron supplement.

I know she's a little embarrassed and feels responsible since she's the one who accidentally took the whole blood last time. That's part of the reason we set the new appointment for two weeks out: she wants to get a successful donation from me this month, before the regular nurse gets back from vacation.

No cookies this time.

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