Monday, June 30, 2014

Well, I Guess That Answers That Question

It turns out unripe mangoes that have been knocked off the tree too soon by a violent storm will ripen up just fine, thank you very much, on the kitchen counter if left alone and the cats don't decide to play with them.

And now some of the ripe ones are falling and suddenly there are dozens of mangoes to chop up. Or give away.

My brother has taken a couple dozen whole mangoes off to work to bestow on his co-workers. I have spent three days cutting up the rest. Not counting the bowls full we have already eaten (my brother takes one to work almost every day for his lunch), there are five or six full containers now in the refrigerator waiting to be made into salsa or chutney or just spooned onto ice cream or eaten with other fruit or just plain. But, at least there are no more on the counter for now and I am completely caught up.

Until tomorrow.

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