Monday, December 9, 2013

Close, But Still Not the Jetson's Car

I've been a little disappointed in our collection of catalogs this year. The usuals have arrived on schedule and a couple of new, although not terribly interesting, new ones have shown up but, overall, and with the obvious exception of Hammacher Schlemmer, they're pretty bland this year.

The one I was looking forward to, Vermont Country Store (because it's the one catalog that offers old-fashioned metal ice cube trays with a pull-up release handle to replace our increasingly brittle, leaky plastic twist-the entire-tray-to-get-the-cubes-out ones) sent a truncated "gift" catalog without the usual old-timey necessity items--like ice cube trays.

Speaking of Hammacher Schlemmer, this is the first time my brother has ever tossed a catalog my way and said simply, "Want!" I don't blame him. The featured toy for folks with too much money is a helicycle, a three-wheeled, two seater, street legal enclosed motorcycle which converts into a helicopter. And it's only $295,000, including flight lessons. No telling what the insurance would run. Still, I think if I win the lottery, if I ever play the lottery, I'd rather just buy four or five Teslas and keep the change.

And, anyway, that's already old hat. The newest Hammacher Schlemmer (they come every two weeks this time of year) features a tricycle that seats seven adults in a kind of circular firing squad pattern. Only one person controls direction and braking but a fancy gearing mechanism means everyone pedals. And it's a much more reasonable $20K.

Now, if only it played calliope tunes and the seats moved up and down.

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