Monday, December 17, 2012

How To Hypnotize A Cat

I've hypnotized a few people before, one on purpose, two by accident (it's easier to do than you'd think, especially if you go into a trance state yourself while talking to them). After the first accidental one, a close friend who is a licensed hypnotherapist explained to me what I'd done and put me under to show me how it felt. That was a long time ago.

Never tried it on an animal, though.

Bartleby has trained my brother and me well enough that she is now comfortable coming into the house just to eat* knowing we will jump to let her out again. In fact, although she passes most of the day sunning herself in the driveway where she refuses to move out of the way of the cars, she will, as long as we leave all the doors open so she can see her escape route (something we can do now the weather has cooled off a bit), spend a little time inside with us being adored (as is her due).

Yesterday, I found out, while expressing proper adoration, two fingers repetitively stroking her chest between her front paws will make her go--you should forgive the expression--"catatonic." She rolled three-quarters on her back, closed her eyes and froze . . . except for her front right paw which slowly and rhythmically flexed extending her little pink kitty fingers (but not the claws) as far as they could go and then relaxing again. Over and over.

I got tired of it long before Bartleby did. When I stopped so did the flexing, but it still took a couple of minutes before she came around at which point she suddenly jumped up, looked around and ran out the door.

The experience wasn't traumatic enough to stop her from coming back in for supper a couple hours later.

*We tried putting her food out but something else kept getting into her dish and she's far to much of a wuss to defend her own property.

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