Saturday, November 12, 2011

Protocols of the Bath

Doves will congregate around the edge of the birdbath and socialize, although only one will go in the water at a time and the others usually leave for a moment or two. They also drink separately.

Mockingbirds are heavy drinkers and will bob and gulp five, six, seven times before reaching their fill and moving on. They are also delicate bathers preferring to settle into the water and soak for a few moments.

The finches are understandably skittish, given their size, and although we can see a number of them around, will only approach the bath one at a time and then only for a quick sip before flitting.

Blue jays, on the other hand, are exceptionally enthusiastic, jumping into the water, hunkering down and splashing for all they're worth until drenched and dripping they fly off (at a much lower altitude being laden down with all that water). They'll line up in a nearby bush waiting their turn but two's the limit. After that the basin needs refilling.

Robins are dirty birds (what to expect with a name like Turdus migratorius?) and are never (to our experience) found anywhere near water.

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