Saturday, October 22, 2011


Well, the humidity is gone, there's not a cloud in the sky, a "cold" front came through a couple of days ago and the temperature is hovering around 75F. The air-conditioning is off and the doors and windows open. This is what people come to Florida for. They should start arriving in a month.

Meanwhile, Mom's insomnia is back. For the last two nights she has been sneaking out of her room after everyone has gone to bed (otherwise we send her back when we see her) and sleeping on the couch. Why she can sleep on the couch with no pillows or blankets and not in her bed is beyond me--or her. She claims to have no memory of doing any of this even when I find her sacked out in the living room in the morning. We had a long talk about it the night before and she came up with an elaborate strategy for returning the offender to bed while not admitting that she is the offender in question. (The strategy works but obviously not permanently.)

The lawn mower has been repaired, returned and used. The black snake no longer has to lift its head to peer around before deciding which way to go. I watched it last week lift about four inches off the ground before it could see in any direction. It then slithered off to the woodpile.

The "Princeton" is growing out. My part is back and I must occasionally brush my hair or it will rise up on its own to form a ridge from front to back which, although much the style with the kids these days, doesn't work well with gray hair and a beard.

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