Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Lucidity!! I'm Ho-o-ome!!

One of the more depressing things about Mom's Alzheimer's is realizing just how aware she can be about what she is missing/losing. Yesterday she opened her date book to look for her sister's address and realized she had written her sister's name but our address.

"Why did I do that?" she asked. "I must be losing my mind."

Well, yes Mom, you are.

She knows she can't find the words she intends. She knows she has to be told things over and over--and they still won't stick. I am, quite frankly, amazed she does not get more frustrated than she does, but then one of the advantages of a shortening attention span is that this, too, shall pass. Fairly quickly.

Last night she tried looking up my middle brother's phone number in her calculator and then attempted to dial him on the TV remote. She was very accepting when I pointed out to her why she was having problems getting through.

She sighed and said, "I wish I still had a brain."

So do I, Mom. So do I.

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