Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Snowbird Migration Patterns

Saw an article in the News Press the other day. Yes, the paper here is still pretty good. All the old people around here, set in their ways as they are, keep supporting it. The only bad part is they still support the horrendous legacy comics, especially on Sunday. Anyway...

The article got me to thinking if there were any other places where such a large per centage of the population regularly up and moved away for such long periods. People who vacation for a couple of weeks (at the beach, in the mountains, skiing, wherever) aren't going to accumulate enough stuff to donate. The people who come here come from all over so the places they come from don't experience that same concentration of migrants. Here, this is a big enough deal that the Post Office handles the collection.

If you've heard of anything like this elsewhere, please let me know.

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