Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Happie Days

I was going to write about receiving in the mail my sample ballot for the upcoming primary election and noting how it has a space for the Democratic primary which absolutely no one has mentioned since there are umpty-gajiliion Republicans running against each other and only one challenger to the incumbent Democratic U.S. senator and how in some races independents and even Democrats can vote in the Republican primary because this is such a conservative area (despite Florida being an almost-evenly-balanced swing state) that, in some local races, there are no Democratic opponents thus making the primary effectively the general election but . . . hey! Happie, the local 3-year-old skateboarding Nigerian dwarf cross goat, just made the Guinness World Records!

The story itself is pretty cute (Happie does tricks like a dog, too) but what originally got my attention was the delightfully irrelevant caption which accompanied one of the photos in the newspaper article.
While teaching Happie to skateboard, Melody Cooke
was also accepted to the Wharton School of Business.
/ Lindsay Terry/
Is Melody perhaps feeding Happie the remains of the acceptance letter?

Anyway, politics some other day. Today: Happie, the world record holder!

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